MamboViewPoint eco lodge in Tanzania, a new approach for sustainable development and tourism

MamboViewPoint is owned by social entrepreneurs Marion Neidt and Herman Erdtsieck. They travelled through many continents, cooperated with various development agencies and saw very many development projects. In the end they felt unhappy with the often very poor or even counterproductive results of many aid projects and all the money that went to expensive overhead, offices and 4×4 cars.

All previous experiences resulted in a plan for a new approach. The basic idea was to create a permanent socio-economic stable base in a poor area and to start regional development from there. In our vision development is not based on unconditional aid but should be achieved by empowering people, building capacities, giving them ideas and information, knowledge, expertise and support them in obtaining tools. As our current experience learns it sometimes only needs a little push to enable people to pull themselves out of poverty. There are some important features in our concept. First, development is not a one item issue like f.e. education because in the end everything is interlinked. For example, when children are educated but there is no work in the end, it is likely to lead only to depopulation of the area but no improvement. Second, development can best be based on practical experience people already have and try to improve quality of products and give it added value instead of selling raw materials. Third, there is always a reason why projects fail or fall apart. The fact that we wanted to have permanent base and become part of the village gives the opportunity for in-depth understanding of optional failures and make together with the population the right adjustments in time.

After a fact-finding mission early 2008 MamboViewPoint eco lodge was established in the Usambara Mountains in Tanzania. It is situated on a beautiful spot near Mambo, which is an area with many opportunities but the population has an average income below the poverty line.

For the hart of the project is chosen for a lodge because in Tanzania tourism is one of the main income sources. Moreover, for the project it is very important to have an inviting place for people from abroad who can bring knowledge and assistance.

MamboViewPoint is an example for sustainable and responsible tourism. Though the owners are from abroad, there is a strong connection with the local community. Employees, building materials and food are as much as possible from local origin.
Moreover the lodge offers a meeting place for people from all over the world including the local people where they can enjoy their holiday in a family atmosphere.

What makes MamboViewPoint special is the associated foundation which is in charge of the various projects that target various development issues. Because of the stable position of the lodge and the many volunteers and guests who contribute to the project, it is possible to spend 100% of the received aid money on the projects without overhead costs. This is an essential difference compared to what we see at other places where only for example 10% of the profits are spent on community projects. With our concept we are able to do far more.

The MamboViewPoint approach

In the first place the lodge is a steady centre for all the activities. This is not for a limited amount of time but without end. The fact that the owners of the lodge are living permanently in Mambo, created a strong bond already with the local inhabitants because the lodge and its owners are facing the same problems as they do. The cooperation of the village and the lodge creates a bigger potential to solve existing and upcoming problems.
In the second place, the lodge is built with local people. Over 650 women and 350 men worked in shifts for one and a half year. This made the lodge to a kind of product of the people around and gave them the first income and skills.

In the third place the lodge is not a goal in itself but is a vehicle to create development. Experience learned that it is important that the spill of the project is a lodge. It brings many people from all over the world who can contribute with their skills, funding. knowledge and relations. They see with their own eyes existing problems discuss about optional solutions, afterwards see the result of their contribution and stay updated regarding the impact. Nevertheless to actively contribute is not an obligation, only having a nice holiday is already supporting local development because their stay brings work, sales-opportunities and money for the region.

In the fourth place the projects and professionals for the projects are only for a small part financed by the lodge. What the lodge provides is ideas, contacts, the necessary infrastructure and (most important) an eye on the projects once the volunteers who helped to achieve certain goals are gone. We can, together with the people concerned, help to make the necessary adjustments that are needed if specific problems might occur. This ensures the feasibility and effectiveness of the initiatives undertaken.

In the fifth place, the focus is to create added value to the things which are already there. Like making cheese from milk, biogas from cow dung, juice from fruits that are already growing etc. All not in big projects but by encouraging people to start their own business.

In the sixth place MamboViewPoint is an eco lodge which means that the footprint which it is leaving behind is as small as possible by using as much as possible solar power, natural building materials, local produced food and most important, being close to the local people and taking care they are benefiting and not exploited.

About the MamboViewPoint approach and the aid industry

Since Tanzania belongs to the poorest countries in the world but the political and economical climate is positive, it is a beloved target for many aid organisations. This causes a main stream from aid funds and many projects concerning public matters which actually should be done by the government. Combined with the present corruption this is resulting in a huge spill of aid money and a not optimal governmental system with, especially on individual level, other targets than the development of the country.

All this resulted in an “aid industry” where even volunteers have to pay a lot of money f.e. to work in an orphanage. MamboViewPoint does not want to be a part of this aid industry but chose for the approach like it is explained before.

This makes it worthwhile to donate to the project since none or only a little money from donated amounts is lost and the results are very visible and projects keep being monitored. Many guests of MamboViewPoint realized this and are contributing to the projects.

About MamboViewPoint and the tourist industry

A main part of the tourist in Tanzania are heading for the well known hotels and tour operators. Often those are owned by foreign companies which supply food and other needs and staff from far and even the profits go abroad again. A well known saying is “the only thing which is left for local people is the dust from the cars if tourist come or go”

MamboViewPoint is trying to optimize the profit of tourism for local benefit by involving as much as possible the local sources. Employing local staff, purchasing local products and food and being under the national tax system.

Read the whole story at: The rest of the story

For detailed information about Mambo ViewPoint click
Mambo View Point

For detailed information about MamboSteunPunt foundation:
The Mambo ViewPoint Foundation

Hydroponic Gardening for Sustainable Community Development at Finca Rosa Blanca Plantation & Inn in Costa Rica

Buy a Bag, Grow a Garden
Hydroponic Gardening for Sustainable Community Development


At Finca Rosa Blanca we have a long history of working towards the well being of our surrounding community. We have worked with the area schools, the local food bank, the environmental group “Patrullas Ecologicas”, and the senior citizens home. Through the years we have improved infrastructure for these groups and increased their environmental awareness; we have reforested and improved waste recycling; and we have provided skills training and opportunities for improving income generation. Our latest project of hydroponic gardening will augment interest in more sustainable living while at the same time implement an activity that in itself leads to more sustainable community development.

Requiring relatively small space and minimal materials hydroponic gardens are a source of fresh produce contributing to healthier diets and increasing local food production, which we know helps reduce the carbon footprint. These gardens are simple and fun to establish and maintain, and can even beautify a space.

Project Purpose

Buy a Bag, Grow a Garden involves community members and children in the production of fresh produce for local consumption, and in the improvement of waste recycling in order to increase awareness of more sustainable living and improve nutritional value of local diets. It responds directly to the needs of the Santa Barbara community to develop appropriate solid waste management processes as well as the impoverished community’s need to supplement diet at minimal costs.

How does it work? Produce will be grown by the local environmental group Patrullas Ecologicas. All produce grown by the Patrullas Ecologicas will be donated to the food bank, where many of the children and youth of this environmental group receive one free hot meal a day. In return for receiving fresh produce the food bank and its clients will commit to the improvement of their recycling center so that it may adequately receive the community’s recyclables. These recyclables are sold to the larger companies that process the material and the income earned is re-invested in the operation of the food bank.
Finca Rosa Blanca and its gardening and sustainability teams provide the space and know-how for creating the hydroponics garden and they also provide the guidance for improved management of the recycling center.

Why do this? Buy a Bag, Plant a Bag is a relevant undertaking for sustainable living in our community for the following reasons.

It encourages better solid waste management among the community.

The project will directly help increase the amount of recyclable waste collected in the community. Besides guiding improved management of the facility, Finca Rosa Blanca, with Patrullas Ecologicas will initiate a community wide campaign to teach and encourage Santa Barbara residents to separate wastes and bring them to the recycling center.

It increases social and financial sustainability by teaching the value of active participation in ones well being.

The project aims to increase the social cohesion among the aforementioned community groups by switching the mentality of “living from a handout” to actively participating in one’s well being. Some of the clients of the food bank will be growing part of their food and others will be helping generate funds for the maintenance of the food bank, by ensuring proper and responsible management of the recycling center.
The additional money generated from the sale of recyclables is re-invested in the operation and maintenance of the food bank. Further, the produce for the food bank will enhance the nutritional value of the food served for the community without incrementing costs for the food bank.

It creates the opportunity for others to improve access and consumption of fresh produce

Lastly, Buy a Bag, Grow a Garden also aims to generate interest in hydroponic gardening as a method to improve access and consumption of fresh produce among other community members. Once the gardens have been set up and are functioning, Finca Rosa Blanca will offer, to those that are interested, the technical lessons so as to help individuals of the community set-up their own gardens.

Submitted by Teri Osman Jampol, owner of Finca Rosa Blanca Plantation

Black Sheep Inn Retreat & Learning Center

September 1, 2011 – Chugchilán, Cotopaxi, Ecuador – Black Sheep Inn, an internationally acclaimed award winning ecolodge, is converting into a Retreat Center hosting workshops and events. The lodge will no longer be operating as a hotel with daily check-ins and check-outs, but instead will specialize in group events, offering the entire facility for 5 days or more.

Groups enjoy Black Sheep Inn’s globally recognized services:
• Worlds Best Hotels – South America STAY LIST – National Geographic Traveler 2011
• Top 10 Eco-Resort – Delta SKY Magazine 2009
• Top 50 Eco-Lodges – National Geographic Adventure Magazine 2009
• Winner – Ecotourism Awards 2006 & 2008
• Skål International Ecotourism Award 2006
• Smithsonian Magazine/Tourism Cares for Tomorrow Sustainable Tourism Award 2005
• Finalist for Tourism for Tomorrow Award – World Travel & Tourism Council 2005
• Highly Commended – Best Mountain Environment – Responsible Tourism Awards 2005
• Short-Listed – Responsible Traveler Award 2004
• Top 10 Ecolodges in the World – Outside Magazine 2003
• Eco-Certified – Ecuadorian Ministry of Tourism & Ecuadorian Ecotourism Society 2003
• Best Website – Ecuadorian Ministry of Tourism 2002

Suggested themes for Retreats include: Yoga or Meditation Retreats; Creative Workshops for Artists or Writers; Eco-Living or Green Building Trainings; Family Reunions, Weddings, Birthdays; Volunteer Vacations with Community-Aid Work; Corporate Team Building and Empowerment or other weeklong events.

Black Sheep Inn’s rural Andean location offers world renowned day hiking, horseback riding and excursions to: Laguna Quilotoa, Rio Toachi Canyon, cloud forest in the Iliniza Ecological Reserve, indigenous markets, and local cooperative workshops producing handcrafted furniture and Swiss-style cheeses.

Eco Permaculture Features include: solar panels, adobe construction, composting toilets, recycling, roof water collectors, gray water systems, organic gardens, community education & aid work, reforestation, erosion control and more.

If you are organizing a vacation, event or workshop please send an inquiry to: or

Wildlife Corridors – Path of the Tapir

Waterfall Villas joins ASANA in efforts to save the Path of the Tapir Biological Corridor – Costa Rica
Sighting a Tapir is a barometer for success in conservation efforts; like jaguar and parrots, these are rare migratory animals. In the rainforest of Costa Rica, the tapir is one of the animals that symbolize the vibrancy of the rainforest, because only when the forest is in its primordial essence, pristine and flourishing do these animals suddenly reappear.

The Path of the Tapir extends from the Osa peninsula in the south pacific of Costa Rica all the way to Manuel Antonio National Park passing through the Baru rainforest, and into the mountains of Tinamaste where the ridge is so vertically steep that virgin forest is still intact.

Here the largest waterfalls of Costa Rica are shrouded by a thick emerald green gallery. Amongst this rainforest in the heart of the Baru rainforest, Cascadas Farallas Waterfalls are protected in a private reserve set up by the Waterfall Villas to preserve the waterfalls and their unique habitat for wildlife. The Waterfall Villas reserve is right on the Path of the Tapir, an official certified biological corridor. The Waterfall Villas is an eco-retreat commited to rainforest preservation. Cascadas Farallas Waterfall Villas

“The path of the Tapir Biological Corridor represents one of the last remaining wild areas in Costa Rica, and as such enjoys an incredible diversity of flora, fauna, habitats, and ecological processes.”
Richard Margoluis, president ASANA

Along the Path of the Tapir, there are a scattering of private reserves, 5 National Parks, and various critical biological areas under threat: the Corcovado National Park, Terraba-Sierpe National Wetlands, Talamanca Mountain Range (where the only indigenous Costa Rican tribes still live), Los Quetzales National Park, the Marine Ballena National Park, and the Manuel Antonio National Park.

Conservationists have found that although these magnificent parks in Costa Rica are saving animal populations, the migratory animals need to venture outside of the protected areas to mate, feed, and breed. Healthy populations of animals in the parks require that the gene pool is wider than a small protected area.

The importance of maintaining the health of a biological corridor stems from the phenomena of the dead zoo – this happens when protected areas are located on a peninsula /or isolated areas surrounded by development and the gene pool is so small that animals eventually decline because of poor health. When the gene pool cannot be enhanced by natural migrations and is limited, then it has been required for new animals to be brought in manually to keep the animal populations healthy (as in Manuel Antonio). This new realization about sustaining natural selection in animal populations has conservation groups focused on protecting the biological corridors – natural migration paths that are connections between protected areas.

This conservation effort in Costa Rica has been lead by a group called ASANA (An acronym for Friends of Nature in Spanish). Unfortunately, the group was quite fragmented for some years, although they managed to start the protection process. Recently, a professional world class conservationist started to lead the group as president, Richard Margoluis. This is quite fortunate as the conservation efforts are very challenging, and he has major projects underway.

The Waterfall Villas and the Cascadas Farallas Waterfall Reserve, owned by Fateh and Franco Bolivar, is dedicated to preservation of this Biological Corridor – the Path of the Tapir. The Waterfall Villas is now the conservation group’s first corporate sponsor member.

In the last 10 years, an amazing comeback has been observed and many birds (over 400 species) including Macaws, and many other rare mammals (146 species) can be found well beyond the confines of the parks – throughout the corridor. But unfortunately, that seems to be a short lived success story as the greed and demand of more powerful entities is looming close.

Time -critical Threat to the Rainforest!
Exceptionally high demand arising from the USA for electric power has the Costa Rican monopoly electric company, ICE, envisioning $$ signs in their eyes! ICE defined a very ambitious project to create three major dams scheduled to flood vast rain forested areas, and this will impact particularly important and fragile areas in the most sensitive area of the Terraba River near Ojochal and Sierpe in the OSA, effecting the wetlands and the indigenous way of life of the Indigenous peoples. ICE’s plan will include dumping hot water used in the electric process into the wetlands. These wetlands stretch out to the main breeding grounds of the humpback whales who come to the National Marine park in the hundreds every year between July – Oct.

The most insidious part of ICE’s project is to dedicate in place 4 high voltage power lines with high electro magnetic fields upon a few hundred towers right through parts of the Path of the Tapir right into the rainforest canopy and stretch these beyond Manuel Antonio to Parrita where the electric power will then be routed into already existing lines all the way to Mexico on route to the USA – the power’s final destination for consumption. There in the USA, an unknowing population with a high demand for power is about to alter the most precious gem of rare and diverse rainforest on the planet.

The diagram shows the areas that are in the Path of the Tapir ( Paso de la Danta in Spanish)

The Waterfall Villas is in the bright blue area near Dominical right in the Path of the Tapir – although not directly effected in the ICE project, the entire area will eventually decline. All of these areas that are not directly in the parks will be effected by this high voltage electric power – unless ASANA’s members and friends can raise enough funds to hire lawyers to fight this giant corporation ICE in Costa Rica, to mitigate this threat . These planned power lines can be moved over to the grey area on the map outside of the migratory path and the populated areas to circumvent a tragedy to the Costa Rican rainforest. In the grey area no conservation dangers exist. However, this would cost about $50 million more to ICE so as to not damage the most fragile rainforest. This is the cost that has been put on the preservation of the most incredible biodiverse corridor in the world.

The new website of ASANA will be released in April, and will have a place where you can donate to this well worth cause to save rare animals and indigenous peoples through the already established International Community Foundation (ICF) acting as the fiscal agent in the US with the “Friends of ASANA” fund. In the USA, this donation is tax deductable because of the ICF’s 501(c)3 status to receive donations.

If you are a friend of the rainforest, please do what you can to help ASANA in this effort to keep the great strides of the last 10 years continuing so that the rain forests of this area will be completely resorted to their former splendor for future generations and not destroyed by corporate giants.
For more information about Cascadas Farallas Waterfall Villas: Cascada Farallas Waterfall Villas

Mad Fish Dive Centre at Matava, in Fiji, Unveils New Dive Boat

New 10m boat MV “DIVE ME” provides even more verstaility for divers visiting Kadavu, Fiji

KADAVU, FIJI ISLANDS – On December 27th 2009 Mad Fish Dive Centre’s new boat, “DIVE ME”, arrived at Matava’s dock! Both guests and staff were very excited to see the first glimpse of the custom designed alloy dive boat on the horizon along The Great Astrolabe Reef next to Waya Island.

The new boat is completely innovative and new to the scuba diving industry in Kadavu, and indeed the Fiji Islands. This dive boat has room for 12 divers on a 2-tank dive,as well as 2 PADI Divemasters and a captain. It has everything on board that a diver needs like rinse buckets, a camera table, a shaded area, and easy entry twin platforms for both going in and out of the water.

With this new boat Mad Fish Dive Centre @ Matava will be the first and only resort on Kadavu that is able to dive the entire length of the Great Astrolabe Reef. This opens up never before dived areas and dive sites. We are excited about diving never before seen reefs and offshore pinnacles in the coming year!

In addition we are going to offer a 3-tank boat dive trip to the Northern Astrolabe Reefs north of Ono and as far as Solo Atoll. This will be combined with a BBQ lunch on the beach cooked by our very own chef, Kuki, before your 3rd dive!

DIVE ME was custom designed for the specific diving done in Kadavu, Fiji Islands. Based on a proven hull design by NAIAD Designs from New Zealand, the boat was further developed by Bluewatercraft in Navua, Fiji Islands to allow a dry, safe ride, while allowing easy access to the water from the back twin dive platforms.

In keeping with Matava’s policy of ‘buying Fiji’ and supporting local community capacity building, Mad Fish Dive Centre made the decision to build the vessel in country. This has allowed many of the tradesmen in the boat building industry once more gain advanced technological skills required to build a high end alloy vessel.

DIVE ME is fitted with the newest state-of-the-art twin 4 stroke SUZUKI 140hp Outboard Engines. 4-strokes are the cleanest outboard engines currently available. Suzuki 4-stroke outboards are noted for the low fuel consumption, low exhaust emission, low noise and outstanding reliability. When compared to conventional 2-stroke engines, 4 strokes:
Improve fuel efficiency (25-45 percent).
Reduce hydrocarbon emissions by 75-90 percent.
Reduce smoke smell.
Are quieter.
“With the addition of this new state-of-the-art dive boat we have placed Matava as the premier dive resort in Kadavu.” said Matava Director, Mr Richard Akhtar. “Adding a vessel of this advanced calibre to our other dive boats in our fleet solidifies Mad Fish Dive Centre as the only PADI 5 Star Dive Centre on Kadavu”.

Mr Akhtar finished by saying “We would like to thank all friends and clients of Matava and Mad Fish Dive Centre past and present who have contributed to the success of our dive resort and we look forward to exciting times ahead diving the Great Astrolabe Reef from DIVE ME.”
Mad Fish Dive Centre is Matava’s on site PADI 5 Star Dive Centre. We dive the The Great Astrolabe Reef extensively and cater for all levels of diver from beginner to experienced. Mad Fish Dive Centre will take you to sites varying in depths, currents and visibility ranging from 20 – 50m where you can expect a kaleidoscope of colourful corals and wonderful marine life – we can assure you that you won’t be disappointed. Combined with simple access to The Manta Dive, Fiji’s only year round manta dive site, Mad Fish Dive Centre truly offers divers easy and comfortable access to some of the best diving Fiji can offer.

Matava – Fiji’s Premier Eco Adventure Resort, is an eco adventure getaway offering you a fun and unique blend of cultural experiences and adventure activities in the environmentally pristine and remote island of Kadavu in the Fiji Islands. Matava – Fiji Premier Eco Adventure Resort is a PADI Dive Resort as well as a Project AWARE GoEco Operator. Matava offers accommodation for up to 22 guests in lush tropical surroundings in traditional thatched Fijian ‘bures’ with hardwood polished floors, louvre windows and private decks offering privacy, comfort and superb ocean views.

Launch of

Announcing the launch of – website not live at this time.

The all new launched on September 19th 2009. The will include the world’s first ever totally free on-line green training program for hotel staff.

This new and innovative course is split into 5 modules, aimed at covering the essentials of environmental preservation. Energy efficiency & renewable energy, water health & efficiency & waste water, nature conservation, community, and waste & recycling; they are easy to follow and understand. The course is designed for all hotel staff, and anyone else who is interested in ways to make their home or business a little bit more eco friendly, offering some simple, and cost effective, greening solutions, in an easy and simple way. Register today, and start your free learning.

The Ecohelpline will also be offering greening advice and tips for your hotel, home or other business, as well as eco consultancy services for tourism eco best practices, and renewable energy planning & installation services for all forms of renewable energy, including, * BioGas, Solar, Wind and Hydro, for home or business.

Background of The Ecohelpline :
The Eco Helpline has been established to promote environmental best practices in the tourism industry and beyond, in an easy to understand, simple to implement manner. As the course is totally free, there is no reason why every tourism worker in the world cannot participate, learn, and make a difference.

The Ecohelpline is an all new international partnership of experienced industry stakeholders from a range of areas across the tourism spectrum; the Eco helpline team is:
1. Hemant Thite, Renewable energy expert from India. Also Managing Director of The Biogas Helpline. The BiogasHelpline is a professional body based in Singapore, formed to promote and develop biogas. The BiogasHelpline provides online support for queries, funding, partnering, consulting, courses and careers.
2. Lise Tyrrell, managing director of Eco Tropical Resorts, based in the United States. Lise Tyrrell’s travelling experiences sparked her interest in eco tourism, which in turn led to the idea of compiling a directory web site for eco lodges. She developed an Eco Rating for hotels to fill out and get a score as to how “eco” they were. This helps guard against “greenwashing”. The Eco Helpline modules are based on the Eco Tropical Resort’s butterfly club eco questionnaire, which was designed by Lise, in collaboration with Jem Winston.
3. Jem Winston, Managing Director of Rosalie Forest Eco Lodge, and formerly of 3 Rivers Eco Lodge in Dominica, Caribbean. The eco lodge has won numerous international awards for its environmental Best practices and community tourism projects. Jem is also the Director of Education at The Sustainable Living Initiative Centre (S.L.I.C.) Dominica, offering community workshops in renewable energy and assisting participants with funding to purchase their own systems. We look forward to welcoming you to the

For more information visit working) or write to or make a regional phone call to us.
U. S. – Lise Tyrell- 916-838-1525
Dominica, West Indies. – Jem Winston – (+1 767) 275 1886
India – Hemant Thite – +91 9423219300

EcoFest 2009 in Dominica

Rosalie Forest Eco Lodge, Dominica

EcoFest 2009

A celebration of the world’s progress on saving our beautiful planet.
May 1st – May 8th 2009
Rosalie Forest Eco Lodge, Commonwealth of Dominica, West Indies.

Come spend a week celebrating the advances we have made towards preserving the planet for generations to come.  Learn about the latest renewable energy technology, and how it is being put into practice on both local and nationwide scales on the Nature Isle of the World.

See how local crafts and traditions are being integrated into tourism for all to benefit – participate in village life.  Try our village homestay and get a true taste of real life in Dominica.   Visiting some of the world’s most spectacular nature and diving sites.   Hike our highest peaks, trek to the boiling lake, relax in hot springs.

Explore the Dominica nature, culture and cuisine.
Listen to the variety of Dominica music.

As the world begins to realise that something must be done now to rescue this earth, come and experience Rosalie Forest Eco Lodge and Dominica’s solutions to preserving our beautiful green island and the planet.  Come experience living sustainability, and then take some action back home.

We hope that this event will bring green minds together from around the world.

If you have something eco you would like to display, and want to participate actively in the event, please Contact us for more information.

We also welcome eco sponsors for the event from all fields, and you or your business will be showcased throughout the festival. Contact us for more details.
All the best
Jem Winston
Managing Director,
Rosalie Forest Eco Lodge,
P.O.Box 1292,
Newfoundland estate,
Rosalie, Dominica, West Indies
Tel : +1 767 446 1886 / 275 1886

Mango Trees, Carbon Dioxide, and the U.S. Virgin Islands

Ginger Brown Vanderveer of Northside Valley in St. Croix, Virgin Islands just sent me an email about mango trees.  She decided that since mango trees are one of the best trees for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, she would do her bit.Â

“I have always had mango trees on my estate but now I have planted two more trees and will continue to add trees as I can.  I am also promoting the idea among the people of St. Croix and working with the legislature to come up with a way to get even more mango trees on our island.”

It’s such a simple idea and yet so beneficial.   She ended her email with….pass the word on.  And so I am!

To see a picture of the tree planting and to learn more about staying at North side:

Socially Responsible Alternatives

We have choices in the kinds of hotels/lodges that we stay in. We can stay in places that impact the environment as little as possible or we can choose high impact hotels. The same holds true for many other areas of life.

My brother runs The Social Equity Group based in the San Francisco Bay area of northern California. He and the people who work with him are financial planners/managers whose investments reach beyond purely financial goals to address ethical concerns. This is a way of making a difference with your financial investments.  To learn more about what they do, you can go to

My son’s Sudbury school is very aware of choices. They’ve been making some upgrades on the school building and in that process have sought out ways to do this that will not negativelly impact the environment. They have a great recycling program and re use items in very creative ways.  Now if only all schools would make those same choices.

There are many alternatives out there and it’s up to us to make the right choices.