Welcome to our Directory of Sustainable Hotels-Tours from around the world.
We promote sustainable lodging and tours around the world. To find listings in our Directory of Sustainable Hotels-Tours you can put your cursor on Continents-Countries above, then select the continent, then country. As well, you can click on the Search Hotels/Tours by Area on the far right. See some of our featured sustainable hotels below.

There is a lot of “green-washing”, pretending to be sustainable, going on. Many lodges make that claim but are anything but!
Here are links directly to our areas: Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania, Caribbean, Central America, European, North America, South America.
We are trying to counteract this. One way is our Online Eco Rating, but we also communicate with lodges or tours about their practices. It’s not enough for a hotel-tour to say they are “eco”, we look deeper before we will list them on our directory.
We pride ourselves on our Online Eco Rating. We developed it in order to show just how sustainable a lodge is and combat greenwashing. It is based on a 1 to 5 rating system, where 5 is the best. Anything above a 2 is a good solid score that shows a lodge is concerned with sustainability and their policies and procedures back them up.
To see lodges that have taken the eco rating and scored 5 out of 5 go here: Perfect scores on our Online Eco Rating. Furthermore, you can read more about our lodging, tours, and sustainability here Eco Blog.
We support Non-Profits and NGO’s that are working in the same areas we are. Water conservation, energy conservation, waste disposal, community benefits, flora and fauna preservation. We have a soft spot for the wildlife. We also post about those things on our Facebook page.
If you are working in conservation, please contact us. We are always looking for good blogs to post concerning sustainability.
We also list some Hotels that practice sustainability that are for sale in Tanzania, Mexico, and Indonesia.
*Eco Hotels and Tours: please go to the bottom of the page, in the footer, for information.*
Click on Eco Info for various definitions, lodges for sale and more.